Privacy Policy

Effective date: July 26, 2018

The INSIST mobile app (the app) was developed with consultation with community and indigenous representatives in South West Queensland, Australia by the University of Queensland (UQ) as part of the Indigenous Network Suicide Intervention Skills Training (INSIST) project funded by a grant from the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia. The app is part of the INSIST research program designed to support INSIST trained responders to maintain the knowledge, skills and confidence to identify and intervene with persons at-risk of suicide and connect them with appropriate supports. The app is developed for use by trained INSIST responders only, it will not be available to the public. We respect your privacy and are committed to maintaining it.

This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect and use information online, and the safeguards we recommend to ensure a helpful and safe experience. This project is carried out according to the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007) produced by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia. This project has approval of local Aboriginal community groups and participating organisations. The ethical aspects of this research have been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee of UQ. The applicable laws, being the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) as recently reformed (2014 March), and State and Territory privacy laws, establish Privacy Principles which have been adopted by us.

To address your queries and ensure you are informed as you use this service:

- UQ may use anonymous information on app usage (e.g., number of times used, duration of use, the pages visited inside the app, time spend on the each of pages visited, and details about the referral/emergency numbers called from within the app) to ensure that the app continues to meet the needs of INSIST responders.

- If you do provide us with any identifying information (e.g., your first name, email address, phone number or IP address) through your involvement in our research, we will de-identify the information prior to conducting the research. Personal information storied on servers is protected from modification, misuse, disclosure, loss and unauthorised access. Please note that we will not collect identifying information without your knowledge, and that this identifying information must be collected for your participation in this research.

- Any information collected from this app will be used for the purpose of this research project and related studies only. Information collected from this app will not kept separate from other data collected in the INSIST project.

- Any published research outcomes will not talk about individuals, or give any information that can identify the participants or users. Information that related to participants will only be released with participants’ permission or as required by law.

- Participation in any research project is voluntary. No person need use this app or take part in this research if they do not wish to, nor are they obliged to remain in this research project if they decide to leave. You may ask us at any time to let you know what personal information we have collected from you. If you would like us to update or delete your personal information, please let us know and we will tall all reasonable steps to delete it unless we are required by law to keep it.

- No identifying information will be shared with third parties, within Australia or overseas.

- If you choose to share INSIST through your social networks (via Facebook, Twitter or similar sites), you acknowledge that we do not manage or monitor those comments that may be made about this app on these channels.

- No researchers have any financial interest in this app which is available free of cost. The INSIST app is a resource to support trained INSIST responders in suicide prevention, it is not a mental health or crisis support service for responders. INSIST responders who need help should contact Lifeline, at or 13 11 14 or Kids Helpline, at or 1800 55 1800.

We may from time to time amend this Privacy Policy, and you may then choose to discontinue use of the service or continue usage subject to the revised Privacy Policy. If you have any questions, comments or concerns about our Privacy Policy, please contact us.

If you believe UQ has not dealt with your personal information in accordance with the Information Privacy Act or this policy, you may make a complain to UQ. A complain must be made in writing or by email to the Privacy Officer or referring to that officer if received by another area of the University. The Privacy Officer will refer the matter to the head of the organisational unit to resolve the complaint.

Primary responsibility for investigating and responding to the complaint will rest with the head of the organisational unit, with advice from the Privacy Officer as required. UQ’s main objective in responding to privacy complains is to conciliate an outcome which is acceptable to the complainant and which addresses any broader or systemic privacy issues which may arise. If a complainant does not agree with the University’s response, an internal review process is available or a complainant may refer the matter for independent mediation by the Office of the Information Commissioner.

By using this app you acknowledge that this app is released for the purpose of research only. This version is not released for commercial purposes and cannot be on-sold or distributed without the express written consent of UQ. You as the user of the app acknowledge that you remain solely responsible for obtaining licensed content. You warrant that you will not use this app to create any infringing copies, support, encourage or induce copyright infringement. If you are a copy right holder and have concerns regarding potential copyright infringement, please contact UQ.